3 Tips To Protect NYC Businesses After Hours

CCTV cameraWhile safety during business hours is important, thieves are targeting the sites without after hour security, because of their easy accessibility.

Without nighttime security, all assets are at risk of being stolen or vandalized. You can protect your business or construction site after hours numerous ways.

Here are three helpful tips that will protect your New York City business.

NYC Security After Hours Tips

1. Get A CCTV System

In order to ensure the safety of your business after hours, use a mobile video surveillance unit or NYC CCTV system with video monitoring.

Companies who do not use video surveillance to safeguard their equipment may be unintentionally assisting thieves in criminal activities.

A New York UL Certified surveillance system would be beneficial to protect your assets and deter crime after hours, especially on remote sites.

2. Use A NYC UL Certified Alarm Monitoring Service

NYC Alarm Monitoring ServiceProperty and assets are easily taken or vandalized without some sort of security after hours.

A New York City UL Certified alarm monitoring company will keep your business or construction site safe after hours. It will add a level of security that will watch over various aspects of your business whether you are there or not.

When an alarm is triggered, it will contact the security company immediately. During after hours, highly trained representatives will contact the proper authorities to ensure that their clients are safe from any threat.

3. Pair Your Alarm System With A Smartphone

One of the best ways to increase home security is with a smartphone that communicates with your alarm system.

Some alarm systems allow you to perform a variety of tasks through your smartphone such as setting and resetting your alarm system.

Not only do smartphones provide easy access to your alarm system, but alerts will be sent anytime when suspicious activity takes place at your property.
Contact us at 212-252-8787 or info@targetsecurity.net if you have any questions about your building’s alarm system, video intercom system, locks, or any other security question. We’re here to help.

Target Security Systems is a full service NYC security company. We provide the highest quality, custom designed security systems and exceptional customer service. We specialize in video intercom, alarm systems, alarm monitoring, CCTV, access control, and locksmith solutions.

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